What happens when you type an URL in your browser and press enter?When you type an URL such as https://www.holbertonschool.com in your browser as expected you “end up” on Holberton School’s web site. More…May 1, 2021May 1, 2021
In order to understand Recursion…When I was asked during my studies at Holberton to explain recursion in a blog post, I was told that images are worth a hundred words…Feb 6, 2021Feb 6, 2021
Everything is an Object in Python (almost!)For this tutorial I am going to assume that you are already familiar with Object Oriented Programming (OOP) and know what an object is…Jan 17, 2021Jan 17, 2021
Two’s complement and negative numbersWork in progress, please don’t correct just yet… Thank you.Nov 5, 2020Nov 5, 2020
C Libraries, what are they and how to use themA library is just a file packaging some common functionality. In other words it is just a piece of code, i.e functions and variables, that…Oct 10, 2020Oct 10, 2020
The difference between hard and symbolic linksFiles exist at a precise location in memory. Let’s say a piece of software on your computer needs to access a certain file. In order to do…Sep 14, 2020Sep 14, 2020
The ls command in actionSo your new to the Terminal and you don't know about man ls yet or you are scared of the output on the screen when you run it. I hear you…Sep 14, 2020Sep 14, 2020